Contract Deployment

Deploying contracts in the PXP Testnet or Mainnet networks the same as in Ethereum-Like Networks and can be efficiently accomplished using tools such as Deploy with Remix IDE or Deploy with thirdweb. Here's a step-by-step overview of each method:

Deploy with Remix IDE

  1. Write or Import the Contract:

    • Open Remix IDE in your browser. You can write your own smart contract in Solidity or import an existing contract. Remix supports both options through its user interface.

  2. Compile the Contract:

    • Use the Remix IDE's compiler to compile your smart contract. Make sure that the compiler version is compatible with the contract's pragma statement. Compilation errors and warnings will be shown directly in the Remix environment.

  3. Connect to a Wallet:

    • To deploy your contract, you'll need to connect Remix IDE to an wallet. This can be done using MetaMask or any wallet that supports Web3. You will be deploying from this wallet, so ensure you have enough PXP for gas fees.

  4. Select the Network:

    • Choose the network where you want to deploy your contract. Make sure that is a PointPay mainnet or testnet network, or even a local node for tests.

  5. Deploy the Contract:

    • After setting up everything, click on the "Deploy" button in Remix. You can also add constructor parameters if your contract requires them. Once deployed, Remix will provide you with the deployed contract’s address and transaction details.

Deploy with Thirdweb

  1. Set Up Thirdweb SDK:

    • Integrate the thirdweb SDK into your development environment. You'll need to install it using npm or yarn. This SDK provides a range of tools to interact with smart contracts more easily.

  2. Configure Your Project:

    • Initialize a new thirdweb project or integrate thirdweb into an existing project. Configure your project with the necessary API keys and environment variables.

  3. Write or Import Contract:

    • You can use thirdweb's dashboard to import your Solidity contracts or use pre-built contracts provided by thirdweb.

  4. Deploy Using Thirdweb Dashboard:

    • Log into the thirdweb dashboard, select your contract, fill in any necessary constructor parameters and deploy it directly from the dashboard. Thirdweb handles much of the complexity, providing a user-friendly interface for deployment.

  5. Interact with Your Contract:

    • Once deployed, thirdweb allows you to interact with your contract directly from their dashboard or by using their SDK in your code. This includes functions like calling methods on the contract and listening to events.

Each method offers a different level of control and ease-of-use. Remix IDE is great for developers looking for a straightforward, hands-on approach to coding and deploying, while Thirdweb offers a more streamlined, less code-intensive deployment process, suitable for both novice and experienced developers looking to expedite their workflows.

Last updated